GMA utilizes economy and efficiency by combining the design and construction phases of a project while assuming the majority of the risk.


Case Study: Gads Hill Brighton Park Early Learning Facility, Chicago, IL

The Gads Hill Brighton Park Learning Center is a design-Build project led by acclaimed architect JGMA. GMA led the preconstruction process that included multiple design and constructability reviews at 50% Conceptual, 100% Conceptual , 50% SD , 100% SD, 100% DD, 50% CD, 95% CD. At each phase, we provided responsible pricing and constructability feedback to our client utilizing our internal historical data and leveraging our subcontractor relationships. Our process was a value add to the client and allowed us to minimize cost impacts and maintain consistency with our GMP estimates from one phase to the next. Over the life of the project, we were able to provide cost certainty while not impacting the overall product and constructability.

Sole Source Contracting - Value Engineering - Constructability Review - GMP Guarantee